
     We would like to express our profound gratitude to the individuals who serve on our Board of Directors, Supervisors, Advisors and who have supported our organization despite great demands upon their time and energy. Without them, we would not have been able to build the Dalcroze program or establish the Dalcroze Society of Taiwan.

      We offer special thanks to 陳郁秀董事長 Professor Yu-Chiou Tchen, Former Chairwoman of the National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center R.O.C. and Minister, Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan; 呂慶龍處長銜大使 Dr. Michel Ching-Long Lu, Chief, Bureau de Representation de Taipei en France; 陳菊市長 Mayor Chu Chen, Kaohsiung City Government; 胡自強市長 Mayor Jason Hu, Taichung City Government; 郝龍斌市長 Mayor Lung-Bin Hau, Taipei City Government; 蘇治芬縣長 Magistrate Chih-Fen Su, Yunlin County Government; 吳正婷主任 Ms. Cheng-Ting Wu, and 馮壽紋小姐 Miss Shou-Wen Fang, Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government;
賴瑞隆局長 Director-general Jui-Lung Lai, and 鮑忠暉先生 Mr. Chung-Hui Bau, Information Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government ; 葉樹姍局長 Director-general Shu-Shan Yeh, Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government; 石靜文局長 Director-general Ching-Wen Shih, and 黃屹寬先生 Mr. Yi-Kuan Huang, Information Bureau, Taichung City Government; 林騰蛟局長 Commissioner Teng-Chiao Lin, Education Department, New Taipei City Government; 邱孝文處長 Director Shiao-Wen Chiu, and 孫綿凰副處長 Deputy Director Mien-Huang Shun, Education Department, Yulin County Government; 謝正彬主事 Herr Jheng-Bin Sie, Kulturabteilung, Taipeh Vertretung in der BRD; 吳佳珊小姐 Miss Chia-Shan Wu, Special Education Division, Education Department, New Taipei City Government; 蕭建勳參事 Former Director-general Jenn-Shin Hsiao; 陳學聖局長 Mr. Shei-Saint Chen, former Chief, Bureau of Cultural Affairs Taoyuan County Government; 邱文彥政務副署長 Dr. Wen-Yan Chiou, Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan; 林郁方委員 Dr. Yu-Fang Lin, legislator; 王榮文董事長 Mr. Jung-Wen Wang, Chairman, Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd.; 賴美鈴教授 Dr. Mei-Ling Lai, National Taiwan Normal University; 吳舜文教授 Dr. Shun-Wen Wu, National Taiwan Nomarl University; 夏學理教授 Dr. Jerry H. L. Hsia, National Taiwan Nomarl University; 徐洵蔚教授 Professor Maggie H. W. Hsu, Chao-Yang University of Technology ; 張壽平教授 Professor Shao-Ping Chang, Deputy director of The Chinese Poets Institute; 陳朝平教授 Dr. Chao-Ping Chen, National Pingtung University of Education; 黃俊媚所長 Professor Chun-Mei Huang, former Dean of the Music Education Department, Taipei Municipal University of Education; 裘尚芬教授 Dr. Shang-Fen Chyou, National Taipei University of Education; 潘宇文教授 Dr. Yu-Wen Pan , National Taiwan Normal University; 劉淑英教授 Dr. Su-Yin Liu, National Hsinchu University of Education; 謝鴻均教授 Dr. Juin H. J. Shieh, National Hsinchu University of Education; 鄭榮興校長 Dr. Rom-Shing Cheng, Former Principal,  National Taiwan College of the Performing Arts; 劉蘭姝董事長 President Lian-Su Liu, Former Chairwoman of DST; 趙景惠校長 Principal Ching-Hui Chao, Taichung City Chong-Guang Elementary School; 潘振輝教授 Professor Cheng-Hui Pan, former Dean of Jin-Wen Institute of Technology; 曾郁敏校長 Ms. Yu-Min Tseng, Former Principal, Taipei Li-Nung Elementary School; 丁立華博士Dr. Luc Ting, President of Rising Fast Technology Co., Ltd; 曾秀珠老師 Ms. Hsiu-Chu Tseng; 池蘋主任 Ms. Ping Chih; 王怡月主任 Ms. Yi-Yueh Wang; 劉芳秀主任Ms. Fang-Shiow Liou; 楊宜真老師 Ms. I-Chen Yang; 蔣蕙君女士Ms. Hui-Chun Chiang; 曾如敏老師Ms. Ru-Min Tseng; 廖敏君老師Ms. Min-Chun Liao; 劉欣怡老師Ms. Hsin-Yi Liu; 胡景惠老師Ms. Ching-Hui Hu; 張巧燕老師Ms. Chiao-Yen Chang; 林詩婕老師Ms. Shih-Chieh Lin;卓鈺薰老師Ms. Yu-Hsun Cho, secretary-general of DST; 張振國將軍Major General Chen-Kuo Chang; M.D. Lucus Tai醫師; 李成言會計師CA Peter Lee; 藍之光建築師Professor Tze-Kuang Lan, architect; 胡嘉玲老師Ms. Chia-Ling Hu; 黃淑芬老師Ms. Su-Fen Huang; 曾玲敏老師Ms. Ling-Min Tseng; 黃一茂總經理 G.M. Jessy Huang; 李昌淳董事長 Mr. Chang-Chun Lee; 楊文彬校長Former Principal Wen-Bin Young; 曾憲政校長Dr. Michael H. C. Tseng, Former Principle, 陳淑文院長 Professor Shu-Wen Chen, Dean of College of Liberal Arts, 高玉立總務主任Professor Yu-Li Kao, Dean of Department General Affairs, 楊兆禎主任Professor Chao-Cheng Yang, 楊佈光主任 Professor Bu-Kuang Yang, and 張蕙慧教授Dr. Hwei-Hwei Chang, National Hsinchu University of Education; 莊瑞玉主任Professor Zui-Yu Chuang, Former chairwoman of Music Department, Taipei Municipal University of Education; 李肇修校長Principle Chao-Hsiu Lee, Tainan National University of the Arts; 彭廣林教授Dr. Gwang-Lin Peng, Music Department of Soochow University; 秦葆琦教授Professor Pao-Chi Chin, National Academy for Educational Research; 林幸男館長Former Curator Hsing-Nan Lin, Postal Museum; 張瑞娥校長Principle Ruei-E Chang, Yunlin Country Jhen-Si Elementary School; 柯蘭英校長 Principle Lan-Ying Ko, and 汪庭芳主任Ms. Ting-Fang Wang, New Taipei City Er-Qiao Elementary School; 伊藤勝次先生Mr. Katsuji Ito; 劉宏光先生Mr. Hong-Kwang Liu; 劉棟國董事長Mr. Tung-Kuo Liu; 張維弘先生Mr. Johnny Chang; 鄭智仁醫師M.D. Chih-Jen Cheng; 曾逸修醫師D.D.S. Yi-Hsiu Tseng; 黃次奇醫師M.D. Tzu-Chi Huang; 張文寬律師Mr. Charles W.K. Chang, attorney at law; 蔡聰池老師Mr. Tsung-Chih Tsai; 黃舒青老師Ms. Shu-Ching Huang; 林芯伈老師Ms. Hsin-Hsin Lin;
石雅君老師Ms. Ya-Chun Shih; 潘君瑜老師Ms. Selep.Kawak; 穎創毛巾工坊Intelligent Marketing Innovative CO., LTD.; 林可格先生Mr. Ke-Ke Lin; 謝鴻達館長Curator Hong-Da Hsieh; 范整國先生Mr. Jeng-Kuo Fan; 楊文全博士Dr. Wen-Chuan Yang; 李奇鴻先生Mr. Chi-Hung Lee; 簡上涵先生Mr. Shang-Han Chien; 簡上翔先生Mr. Sammy S. H. Chien; 陳芊彣秘書Ms. Chien-Wen Chen; 詹麗玲秘書Ms. Li-Ling Chan; 邱美媛秘書Ms. Mei-Yuan Chiou; 楊文豪先生Mr. Wen-Hao Yang; 紀承恩先生Mr. Tim Gillet, and莊淑玲小姐Ms. Naomi Chuang Gillet; 羅德慧小姐Ms. Irene T. H. Lo; 張朝春副站長Deputy Station Master Chao-Chun Chang, Douliu Train Station; 楊素娥分隊長Ms. Jill S. E. Yang, and 陳明麗科員Ms. Ming-Li Chen, Taoyuan Airport Special Duty Brigade, Border Affairs Corps, National Immigration Agency; A crew of Check-in counter, China Airline, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport; 崔逸堯總經理Mr. Kevin Tsuei, and高桑惠子經理Ms. Keiko Takakuwa, iTrip Travel Service Co., Ltd.; 王建興先生Mr. Chien-Sing Wang; 黃春祝女士Ms. Chun-Chu Huang; 洪秋燕小姐Ms. Rita C. Y. Hung; 李妮衛小姐Ms. Ni-Wei Li; 曹瓊月小姐Ms. Chiung-Yueh Tsao; 曹舒雅小姐Ms. Shu-Ya Tsao; 林中鵬先生Mr. Chung-Peng Lin, 丁立芬小姐Ms. Li-Fen Ting, and李振輝先生Mr. Cary Li; 康宗虎局長Former Commissioner Zong-Hu Kang, Department of Education, Taipei City Government; 沈玄池組長銜博士Prof. Dr. Cen-Chu Shen, Direktor of Kulturabteilung, and朱麗玲一等秘書Ms. Julie Li-Ling Chu, Erste Sekretärin of Taipeh Vertretung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

      I would very much like to thank 教育部 Ministry of Education; 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 行政院客委會 Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan; 行政院文化建設委員會Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan; 高雄市政府文化局Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government; 台北市政府文化局 The Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs; 許遠東先生暨夫人紀念文教基金會 Mr. & Ms. Yuan-Dong Sheu’s Memorial Culture & Education Foundation;
葉爾康首席精算師Chief Actuary Eel-Kang Yeh, First-Aviva Life Insurance Co., Ltd; 溫送珍主席Mr. Sung-Chen Wen; 鍾智文副董事長Mr. Chih-Wen Chung, Vice Chairman of Taiwan Land Development Corporation, and 清添講座基金Foundation of Mr. Chin-Tian Tseng for their financial support. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to 葉菊蘭前總統府秘書長Ms. Chu-Lan Yeh, Former Secretary-General to the President, Republic of China (Taiwan); 蔡良文委員Dr. Liang-Won Tsai, Member (Ministerial Rank) of Minister of Examination Yuan; 沈呂巡政務次長 Dr. Lyushun Shen, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; 吳財順常務次長Administrative Deputy Minister Tsai-Shung Wu, Ministry of Education; 黃玉振主任委員 Minister Yu-Cheng Huang, Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan; 洪慶峰副主任委員Deputy Minister Ching-Feng Hung, Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan; 史哲局長 Director-General Che Shi, Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government, 謝小韞局長Former Commissioner Hsiao-Yun Hsieh, The Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs; 厲耿桂芳議員Ms. Miriam K. F. Li Ken, Taipei City councilor; 謝馥光醫師 D.D.S. Fu-Gwoun Hsieh, and 魏宜屏小姐 Ms. Yi-Ping Wei, Mr. & Ms. Yuan-Dong Sheu’s Memorial Culture & Education Foundation, and 曾李耳女士 Ms. Lee Erh Tseng, who have made it possible for myself and the thirty chief performers to be here for the first world performance to represent Taiwan in Hellerau, Germany and attend for this wonderful conference.

      We also extend our deep gratitude to the magnates in the fields of arts, politics, industries, and commerce; all the members, friends, relatives, and students;  administrators, instructors, researchers, and volunteers of the Dalcroze Society of Taiwan; Dalcroze would never have flourished in Taiwan without your assistance and support. In light of our accomplishments thus far, we believe that Dalcroze Eurhythmics will play a crucial role in the development of music education in Taiwan and Asia. We also feel a responsibility to adapt Dalcroze Eurhythmics to the culture of Taiwan. Our ultimate goal is to provide a dynamic, versatile teaching method that will promote a happy and productive environment for music students and educators in Taiwan.
      It is highly appreciated and with a great honor to be invited by Prof. Christine Straumer, Ms. Isolde Matkey, and Prof. Dr. Stefan Gies of RHYTHMIK 100 Hellerau, Internationale Rhythmikwerkstatt DALCROZE 2011, Institut Rhythmik Hellerau e.V.. The souvenir, which is made in Taiwan, shows the custom designed logo celebrating the 100th   year of Republic of China (government in Taiwan) as well as its centennial of Institut Rhythmik Hellerau e.V.. This shows the friendship between Germany and Taiwan, also marks a new beginning to the bright future. Dalcroze Society of Taiwan (DST) has, and will continue to act as a bridge to link each other together. "Set Out From Kaohsiung, Flourish in Taipei, Nurture in Taichung. Introduce Taiwan to the World, while inviting the world to explore Taiwan's culture through the gateway of these three cities" is our mission. 

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    社團法人台灣國際達克羅士音樂節奏研究學會 Dalcroze Society of Taiwan

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